City of Willard

Additional Community Events
Frisco Trail Craft Show - November 19, 2022
Frisco Trail Craft Show
Saturday, November 19th
8:30am until 2:30pm
Location: Willard High School Gymnasiums
* 80+ Vendors
Start your Christmas shopping early!
Vendor booths include: home decor, book authors, makeup, apparel, handbags, metal work, leather products, furniture, clothing, goat milk products, honey products, wood products, wreaths, artwork, jewelry, food, direct sales vendors, and much more!
Breakfast and lunch concessions are a direct benefit to
Willard Youth Baseball 11U.
Please come out and join us! Enjoy a fresh cup of coffee, biscuits and gravy breakfast and then hang around for pulled pork nachos and other tasty treats!
Have something going on that you'd like to share with the community? Send PNG or PDF files of your event to for advertisement of your event on this page!*
*All submitted event flyers and promotions will be subject to approval from the marketing/directing team at Willard Parks. Donations and sponsorships are appreciated in lieu of payment for placement. Please contact for questions.